Fildena 120 mg medicine is known to be one of the most popular impotence treating medications that can be consumed by impotent men. The prescription drug Fildena cannot be bought without a doctor’s prescription. The medicine delivers the best outcomes by allowing men to attain and sustain a stiffer penile for longer lovemaking sessions. The pill works only when consumed in presence of complete sexual arousal. The medicine is best when consumed in moderation. Never consume the pill in excess for safe and effective outcomes.

Consume the pill to overcome impotence issue in men. This pill Works well by allowing men to attain and sustain a stiffer penile erection for longer session of making love. The pill gets complete advantages when it consumed as prescribed by the doctor. Never consume the pill in combination with any other ED medication as the combination can be harmful and can lead to severe side effects that shall need medical assistance.
Active Ingredient In Fildena 120 mg
The main active component in Erectile Dysfunction treating medicine is Sildenafil Citrate. This medicine is available in the form of tablets and can be consumed in different concentrations. The medicine Fildena 120 mg is also available in various dosages as 25 mg, 50 mg, 100mg, and 200mg strengths. Each of these concentrations shall have the same outcome, however, which one is suited for a particular individual can only be decided by a medic which depends on the severity of your penile condition.
Side-Effects Of The ED Pill
Fildena 120 mg medicineis composed of a large quantity of Sildenafil citrate that means it can be dangerous when it is used improperly. Note that this impotence treating medicine is to be consumed only when you are diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, by a doctor.
Component Sildenafil Citrate works on the whole body, to use the pill as one might be certain that you are not allergic to the component in it and that one might not have any medical conditions that might be worsening by the medicine. Furthermore, one must note that the pill might eventually interact with a variety of other medicines, which can make it further important for first checking with the doctor if it is safe for usage.
This impotence treating medicine Fildena 120 mg comes in oral tablet form and it is to be consumed orally as prescribed by the doctor. This consumption of the medicine is highly recommended for oral consumption at least 50 minutes before the lovemaking session for ensuring that its effect can be all felt. The medicine is not to be consumed orally on an empty stomach, or at the same time as other types of medication.
Those who might intend to consume the ED pill for longer than a month might experience side effects including:
Nausea, coughing, vomiting, headaches, nose bleeds, prolonged erections, feeling of weakness and confusion, arrhythmia, and fatigue. Contact the doctor in case one might experience any of these side effects.