While having a lovemaking session on the consumption of Filitra 40 it shall not harm the baby. But be certain that you are all ready for having sex with the new partner.
Perhaps the relationship with the baby’s dad shall eventually end when he might find out you were pregnant? If that is the case, give him a bit more time for coming in terms of the big news. You might all feel like getting back together again once you both have had some time for adjusting to the idea that you are having a child. Start having a new relationship now it is all likely to make a reunion with the baby’s dad yet harder.

Even if while being sure that you will never be in a relationship with the baby's dad, it is all worth thinking decision on the consumption of Filitra 40 through carefully before making love. It is usual for feeling a bit vulnerable when you are pregnant. The hormones coursing through the body can be powerful, and it is only easy for performing some things that might be later regretted. Hence give yourself plenty of time for coming to a decision.
In case the partner is pressuring you to perform a lovemaking session, but you are not sure, stand the ground on the consumption of the Filitra 40 pill. If he genuinely cares about you, he shall all wait as long as it might take.
In case, you are sure that you are ready for a new relationship, the same rules might be about sexual health apply as they did before you might be pregnant. Sex itself will not harm the baby, but catching a sexually transmitted infection (STI) can eventually harm you and the baby. So even though you are all already pregnant, while being sure about the partner using a condom.
In case, you might have had some unprotected lovemaking session, you might be worried that the new partner’s sperm might somehow affect the baby’s looks or DNA. The good news is that this is all an impossible condition. Provided the partner is free from STIs, the baby shall be all perfectly safe, and not affected in any of the ways.