Make Small Changes
A little change in your daily intimate life can make big changes and give you big results. Little change does not mean you have to go out of your way to make things intense and give them a new look. You can try indulging in intimate activity. One thing that needs to be proper is erection. Man who have impotence issues finds it difficult to satisfy their women and in case this is your case too then take the help of medicines like Filitra. You can also change your location of intimacy, try different clothes and make your partner eat strawberries dipped in chocolate. At times going for quickies is the best option. It gives you break from the routine intercourse activity.

Ban Certain Things
When you are experimenting something new means there should be nothing that should come from the past. You can set your new rules for your next intimate session and stick to it. Discuss it with your partner and let the next session be a complete game-changer. If you want your partner to last longer in bed, ask him to consume Filitra.
Experiment New Things
The only way to your intimate life happening and satisfying is by experimenting on new things. Some expeiments might also want men to last longer, they can take help of Filitra.
Make Use Of Sexual Toys
It is okay to add a special guest in the bedroom to increase the fun. While you buy a vibrator for your lady, do buy Filitra for yourself.
Watch Something Romantic
The perfect way to help you get in the mood. It will give you nice, smooth start to your session. Watch a movie that both of you would like to watch. Just cuddle on the couch and keep Filitra handy.
Set The Room Up
A decked-up location plays a major role when you want to have something steamy and interesting with your partner. Do not forget roses, chocolates, scented candles and Filitra. Just see the magic these things create.