For numerous people, a physical exam and answering questions (medical history) are all that are needed for a doctor to diagnose impotence and recommend some proper treatment. If you might have some chronic health conditions or the doctor might suspect about some underlying condition that is involved, you might need further tests or well professional consultation. Doctor might prescribe men with Fildena-CT 100 pill. This pill is a chewable medicine that is to be consumed orally as prescribed by the doctor. Medication Fildena-CT 100 works only when it is consumed in presence of complete sexual arousal.

Tests for underlying conditions might include the below:
· Physical exam. This particular test might include careful examination of the penile and testicles about checking nerves for various sensation
· Blood tests. A sample of your blood shall be well sent to a lab for checking the signs of heart disease, diabetes, low testosterone levels, and some of the other health conditions if any are present
· Urine tests (urinalysis). Including blood tests, urine tests are also used for looking for signs of diabetes and some of the other underlying health conditions
· Ultrasound. This particular test is well performed by a specialist who is present in an office. It also involves using a wand-like device (transducer) which is held over the blood vessels that supply the penile region. It does the job by creating a video image that allows the doctor to see in case you have blood flow issues. This particular test is sometimes done in combination with an injection of medications which is given into the penile for stimulating the blood flow and then it shall help in producing an erection
· Psychological exam. The doctor might also ask questions for screening the depression and other possible psychological causes of impotence in men.
Physical Examination to Diagnose Erectile Dysfunction
Performing a physical examination is a must to know about this condition. While performing this examination, the doctor shall pay particular attention to the genitals as well as the nervous, vascular, and some other urinary systems. The blood pressure shall be well checked as various studies have demonstrated a connection that lies between high blood pressure and ED in men.
The physical examination shall also help in confirming the complete information one might give the doctor in the medical history and this shall help in revealing unsuspected disorders, like diabetes, vascular disease, penile plaques, testicular issues, low male hormone production, injury, or disease to the nerves of the penile, and some other prostate disorders.
ED Treatment Fildena-CT 100
This chewable medicine Fildena-CT 100 is easy for oral consumption and helps men to attain and sustain a stiffer penile erection for longer lovemaking session. Never consume the pill in excess for safe and effective outcomes. Sildenafil Citrate composed medication helps men to stay active for max 6 hours. Medication when consumed as prescribed shall works in just 30 minutes of medication intake.